Personal Installment Loan No Credit Check – The Cash You Need When Times Are Tough!
Are you in need of a personal installment loan, but you have credit issues? If so then you are probably looking for no credit check personal installment loans. This is not an easy loan to find because your credit usually is checked for any type of financing. You should know about both types of options for your loan.It is important that you start by checking with your own bank or financial institution.
Your bank might be able to help you even if you think they cannot. If you have been with them for many years, have had other loans in the past with them, or have investment accounts with them, then they may be able to help you when you need a personal loan. They will check your credit, but if you have a good history with them, then they might give you a loan regardless of your credit. Plus if you check with your bank first and they can help you, then you will get a lower rate and it will be very easy to make your payments as well.
Second, you can use Prosper. This is a marketplace for private lenders and borrowers to meet. They will pull your credit, but only once and they will give you a credit rating with them. Once they have done this the private individual lenders will be able to bid on your loan listing and help to fund your personal installment loan. This is a great way to get a loan because it is not always about credit with Prosper. Plus when you are dealing with individual people you will have a better chance to find someone that has had bad credit before and knows how hard it is for you to get the money you need.
Last, the best option for no credit check personal installment loans is to get a payday loan or cash advance. Most of these companies never check credit and it is always based on the income you have. These loans can go from $100 to $1,500, but they will have to be paid back within 30 days. You can usually extend the loan for another 30 days for a fee that is about 3% to 5% of the loan amount. It all depends on the lender. This is a great option if you need money and you need it fast because you can get this type of installment loan overnight and sometimes even with an hour or two. If you have an emergency you have to take care of you can do so with a cash advance or payday loan very quickly.
Written by behing01