Are there any payday loans or emergency loan companies that will help people in the Military Reserves?
Question by Dawn L: Are there any payday loans or emergency loan companies that will help people in the Military Reserves?
We are desperately waiting for a re-enlistment bonus we are expecting but in the meantime need a quick loan to get us by for somethings that have come up. Payday loans dont seem to help those in the military anymore and I know payday loans are not a good idea but we also know we will only use this until the bonus comes thru . Anyone know where we can get a quick guaranteed loan for personnel in the reserves?
Best answer:
Answer by Gary
I wouldn’t do this. Why spend unnecessary? You are betting on receiving something that has yet to come. What would happen if something goes wrong for you? This is like writing a check and not having enough money in your account to cover it.
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Look in the back of army times, but beware of thier high interest rates!