One Hour Cash Loan
You Can Get a Cash Loan in One Hour
Sometimes it might be critical for you to get an unsecured cash loan quickly. But is this idea realistic today, or do such efforts create more problems than they are worth? Is it really possible to get a one hour cash loan without giving up your arm and leg in the deal?
No doubt you have read about, heard about, or even thought about trying a Pay Day loan. You might even like the idea because they are so convenient. The ease and speed, and the convenience of a PayDay loan “store” on every corner does not make them a good idea though. Just watch the news, and you’ll discover more people getting lost in difficult financial situations. Convenience often gets people into trouble.
Here’s how PayDay loans work… It begins when you write a check to the lender to get some money. The lender holds that check until your next pay day, usually 7 to 14 days later, when the check should clear. The problem is that the check you wrote was not just for the value of the cash advance, it also included a high interest and additional fees.
Plus, it is pretty normal that people may require an extension of the loan. You guessed it, this results in even more fees. It’s not unusual that people who take this path end up paying more in fees than the amount of cash originally borrowed. Unfortunately, this can result in a trap of ongoing debt. Borrowing money to pay off previously borrowed money is trouble waiting to happen.
How Else Can you Get Cash Within One Hour?
Surely there must be some other options. There are!
Another one hour cash loan source that you might consider is a cash advance from a credit card. You know, they send you those convenient cash advance checks. You just fill in your name, the amount and deposit it in your bank account. Easy and convenient. Of course there is a new set of problems that come with this idea. Credit card companies make it so easy that many of their customers just pay the monthly minimums. When the teaser interest rate ends, the rates jump up to normal “cash advance” rates and then bam, the minimums jump and it takes years to pay off.
So forget the credit cards. The best source for a cash loan will almost always be the bank. Bank interest rates are lowest. Their payment terms can be reasonable. Since you’re reading this, however, you probably think that your local bank isn’t a good option for you. Perhaps you just don’t have a good enough credit score to qualify for a cash loan at one of your local banks.
Your One Hour Cash Loan Option
There is another banking option you might not have considered. There are many banks online that are willing to provide cash loans quickly and reasonably without lengthy applications or credit checks. As long as the loan amounts are small and you have a source of income, they are likely to approve you and get you the short-term loan that you are looking for.
When working with real banks, they are not interested in just providing you cash for a short 7 to 14 day period. Rather, they can offer 3 months or more as the pay back terms.
Below you will see an ad for a company that accesses a lender network. They have access to over a hundred banks. This way you fill out one application and your more than 100 banks can compete to offer you the money you need. Plus you can apply, and if you don’t like the terms, don’t accept the loan. There is no risk for you. But if approved, you can get that one hour cash loan you’ve been looking for.