Q&A: Personal loan?
Question by curious: Personal loan?
I’m desperately trying to get a personal loan to cover debts and other things. My earning – expenses rates are not great and I’m having trouble getting it with the bank… any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Jack430
Contact a debt counsellor. Get yourself out of the hole. Don’t fall back in!
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Banks don’t easily make small personal loans if at all. Go to a finance company like Citi or General American, they will be able to help.
ask your parents.
My information will not be able to help you get a loan, so if that’s all you’re looking for, skip this answer.
If you’re looking at other possibilities, well. a loan is a very bad route to take. Instead of taking care of the debts you mention, you’re creating more, and simply putting it all in one place. It’s a problem a huge number of people are in these days.
There is a method to work towards paying off those debts, but it takes a considerable amount of effort. If you’re interested in at least looking it over, read further.
Gather up a record of all the debts you owe, and have at least an average cost-range for all of your monthly bills that must be paid. (Phone, power, etc.) Also write down an amount for what you need on basic consumables (Gas, Food, Etc.)
The utilities, food, and other neccicties obviously must be paid first. So looking at your average monthly income, subtract the amounts from your monthly bills (that’s phone, power, water, gas) and your required consumables (food, gas, and so on.)
Now look at your debts, and prioritize them. You want lowest balance with the highest interest first, with the highest balance (and hopefully lowest interest) coming last. Write down the amount of all of those minimum payments.
Now. That’s all preparation. The method is simple, once you understand it. First of all, you need to cut back. What I mean by this is, if you go to a restraunt to eat, try to avoid getting the most expensive meal on the menu. Try to drink water instead of a soda (that’s at least $ 1.50 per PERSON saved, at every meal you dine out.) Instead of swinging by Starshmucks on the way to work, make your own coffee at home. By cutting back, I mean stop spending that dollar here, and dollar there, on the silly things that really dont matter so much. Maybe eat at home one or two more days a week than you have been. Whatever it takes.
Now. Once you have all the numbers figured out. What you MUST put out every month to keep things floating. (what we did a few steps up), that extra money you saved this month, put it ALL on that FIRST priority bill. This may only be $ 200. But if that first debt is only a $ 600 debt, it will be gone at that rate within 3 months. In order to do this well, you may need to stop the minimum payments on some debts.. but dont quit paying entirely! Contact the debt companies. Explain that you’re working to correct your financial situation, and that for a time you will need to pay just the intrest on the account, but make sure they understand that you do intend to pay it off. (I’ve done this myself. It works, but if they try to strong arm you.. remember that these companies want their money. You have a big word on your team, it’s called Bankrupcy. You may not be headed that way, but if they start to give you static, informing them that you’re following a financial plan to avoid Bankrupcy, a plan that will ensure they DO get their money, just not immediately, and you do intend to continue to make payments every month, just slightly reduced.. they tend to fall in line.)
What I’ve explained is a rough outline, and you can feel free to e-mail me if it’s unclear or you feel you need a more in-depth explanation. I hope you manage to pull yourself out of the debt, it’s never a fun situation. One more thing.
The big trick to doing this is actually very small. Once you’ve paid off that first debt, do not turn arround and put that money you were putting into that debt back into foolish things like soft drinks and expensive nights on the town! once debt number one is paid off, in full, take ALL of the money you were already putting on that debt, and put it to the second priority. Your minimum monthly payment may have been $ 50, so if you were able to put that extra $ 200 into it, then that’s $ 250 more you have going into your second debt. Once the second one falls, put ALL of the money that was going into that one, into the next. It takes some time, but it builds momentum with every debt you knock out, because you have that little extra every month to put into the next one in line. Again, good luck, and I’m sorry for how erratic this answer appears. It’s a little difficult to explain sometimes. 🙂
And if there’s bad or odd spelling, I apologise. this thing’s spell checker is odd, and I gave up on it.
If your bank allows for direct deposit sign up for it at your job. Then when applying for the loan ask them to withdraw the ammount directly from your account on PayDay
get your debts consolidated. There are finance companies out there who would do business with you, but the cost is fairly high on your part.