Posts tagged "Advance"

What would happen if I stop payment on a large payday cash advance check?

Question by Ang: What would happen if I stop payment on a large payday cash advance check?
Would they let me just pay them back in smaller payments? Or would I get in some kind of trouble?
1. I have not stopped payment yet, it’s due to come thru the bank Monday, do you think I can call them beforehand and set smallest payment up?
2. My check will not bounce, my bank will cash it and i will go negative a grand.
3. This is a store lender, check-smart, not internet lender.

Best answer:

Answer by Answer Guru
Well here’s something I just pulled up: “If the account is short on funds to cover the check, the borrower may now face a bounced check fee from their bank in addition to the costs of the loan, and the loan may incur additional fees and/or an increased interest rate as a result of the failure to pay”. That sounds serious, unless you know your going to have doubled that check in like 3 months, I would just pay and get it over with.

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Posted by getloans - March 28, 2012 at 1:44 pm

Categories: Loan Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Cash Advance; Learn The Facts About Cash Advance Loans With This Guide To The Application Process, How To Compare Lenders, Avoid Scams, And Find The Best Rates When You Need Cash In a Hurry

Cash Advance; Learn The Facts About Cash Advance Loans With This Guide To The Application Process, How To Compare Lenders, Avoid Scams, And Find The Best Rates When You Need Cash In a Hurry

Cash Advance; Learn The Facts About Cash Advance Loans With This Guide To The Application Process, How To Compare Lenders, Avoid Scams, And Find The Best Rates When You Need Cash In a Hurry

Do you need cash in a hurry to solve an emergency? Would you like to learn the application process for receiving cash advance loans? Are you interested in learning how to avoid scams and find the best interest rates for your loan? Cash Advance is a comprehensive guide to help you make an educated decision about taking out a cash advance loan. It will walk you through the application process so you know what to expect with your lending institution. You will also learn how to compare lenders, so you can access lower interest rates. When facing an emergency where you need quick cash, you do not want to take out a loan that will get you into greater financial problems down the road. Next, you will learn common scams that people fall prey to regarding cash advance loans so you can protect yourself and avoid them. In addition, you’ll learn about the different types of cash advance loans, whether for personal use, your business, or to pay legal fees.
Many people struggle from paycheck to paycheck, so when an unexpected expense comes up, they end up in a crisis. They may quickly turn to a cash advance loan to solve their problems. Cash advance loans do have the benefit of helping you in your time of need and if used properly, can help you in a crisis. This guide will teach you how to strategically use cash advances when you need them, and how to avoid the scams and high interest rates. Then you will not create another financial crisis simply by taking out the cash advance. As you educate yourself on cash advances, you will be equipped to make a wise financial decision.
Look at some of the information this book will show you! Here is a list of the chapter titles:
Chapter 1: Cash Advance
Chapter 2: How Exactly Does a Cash Advance Work?
Chapter 3: Knowing The Facts About A Quick Cash Advance
Chapter 4: First Cash Advance – Easy Solution for Short Term Money Requirement
Chapter 5: Cash Advance – Money When You Need It
Chapter 6: Cash Advance – Check Into Cash
Chapter 7: What Is The Truth About Advance-Fee Loan Scams?
Chapter 8: Information on Advance Payday Loans
Chapter 9: Payroll Cash Advance Loans: Get Sufficient Money Till Next Payday
Chapter 10: Why A Business Cash Advance Can Work For You
Chapter 11: Cash Advance Check Loans – Are Online Cash Stores More Expensive Than Offline Stores?
Chapter 12: Cash Advance Payday Loan – the Instant Solution for your Financial Worries
Chapter 13: Cash Advances And Credit Card Checks – A Closer Look
Chapter 14: Cash Advance Loans – Are The Fees Worth It?
Chapter 15: Cash Advance Loans Quick, Easy and Dangerous
Chapter 16: Cash Advance Company – Comparing Payday Loan Companies Online
Chapter 17: Lawsuit Cash Advances
Chapter 18: The Average Profile of Customers Opting for a Payday Loan Cash Advance
Access the funds you need with a cash advance today! Take action and instantly download this book to your Kindle so you can learn the best way to use a cash advance loan.


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Posted by getloans - March 2, 2012 at 10:13 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Q&A: is there a difference between a cash advance credit card debt and a regular purchase debt?

Question by Nicolas R: is there a difference between a cash advance credit card debt and a regular purchase debt?
Like, if I owe a lot of money to 3 or 4 credit card companies (like 4k each) on cash advances I know the interest rates are higher by a lot but is there a difference if the debt was for regular purchases? will they come after me more than if they weren’t cash advances? Can I still file bankruptcy to get out of the debt?

Best answer:

Answer by Koku
Absolutely! Your cash advance debt is billed at a much higher rate, and your payments to each card will be applied to the lower debt rate.

Say, you cash advanced $ 1000 at 24.99% APR but had an existing balance of $ 3000 at 9.99% APR

When you get ready to pay the bill, and attempt to pay the total cash advance balance, you’ll be in for a rude awakening. The credit card will apply the $ 1000 (+ fees) to the lesser APR, and if you continue to take out cash advances, eventually all of your debt will consist of the cash advance rate.

Also, your cash advance fees are more than likely immediate– unlike carrying a traditional balance where you can avoid the finance charges if you pay before the bill date. Cash advances should be a very last ditch, emergency option. They will increase your debt tenfold if you’re unable to manage them.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Posted by getloans - February 2, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Categories: Loan Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Payday Cash Advance Loans – Dangerous But Useful

Most people nowadays used this loan especially when times when they need it the most. sometimes it takes some risk behind it but still this way of having the money we need is common to all us.

This is the payday cash advance loans. Yes you’ve read it right, most people grab this opportunity to pay unexpected events such as emergency cases or bills that needs to be paid. Payday loans as we all know can be risky in regards to our financial health but despite all of this we still look for it as a solution.

The video will talk about this loan and provide you with all the information you need. This will surely educate you more and give you awareness on this kind of ways in having money in a instant.

So watch this video on payday cash advance loans – dangerous but useful.

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Posted by Cathy Miller - January 17, 2012 at 2:02 pm

Categories: Loan Videos   Tags: , , , , ,

Q&A: Do cash advance websites pay you that day?

Question by Alexias: Do cash advance websites pay you that day?
So I need money for rent… Really bad! I applied online to a few Cash Advance places that say you will be paid that day or the next. Do they really pay you that fast? Because I’m kind of depending on it.

Best answer:

Answer by JLB
Usually it takes 24 hours for the money to be deposited. But be careful with cash advances-you can get caught in a debt trap with them. Try and pay it off with your next paycheck or even better, see if your landlord will take partial payment now and the remainder later. The interest on payday loans is so high (about 500%) so be careful.

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Posted by getloans - January 17, 2012 at 9:13 am

Categories: Loan Questions   Tags: , ,

Q&A: What hapeens when a payday advance loan goes unpaid ?

Question by chasead95: What hapeens when a payday advance loan goes unpaid ?
My sister-in-law has about 4 payday advance loans that she’s not paying. I’ve told her that she could go to jail for this. She says no she cant because it’s a loan, not a bad check. Does anyone know?

Best answer:

Answer by random_synchronicity
Normally when taking out a payday loan you have to write post-dated checks which they then will cash once the agreed upon day arrives. If there isn’t money to cover the checks when they attempt to cash them, then they will file hot check charges against her and she can go to jail especially if she knew the money wasn’t going to be available since that’s theft by deception.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Posted by getloans - October 28, 2011 at 9:49 am

Categories: Loan Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

How do you get a Payday Advance loan?

Question by Top Notch: How do you get a Payday Advance loan?
I had lost my job a couple of months ago due to budget layoffs and times have been hard but I just recently got a really good job. The things is I have a electricity bill that has to be paid in a couple of days or it gets turned off but my first payday isn’t for a week so I was wondering how do I get a payday advance? Do I have to have good credit?I live in Bakersfield, Ca if that matters.

Best answer:

Answer by CatDad
If you have no other choice, then get one locally in your home city. There are several such places in Bakersfield:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=payday+loans+Bakersfield&fb=1&gl=us&hq=payday+loans&hnear=0x80ea6bc8b994cb0d:0x59360c0998fe74c8,Bakersfield,+CA&ei=DtjZTeq5KNGctwfFkd3oDg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=3&ved=0CAQQtgMwAg
You don’t need good credit to get a payday loan….just a checking account and a job.
Your first choice should be to sell any valuables to get money…as hard as that might be…or borrow from friends or family.
Payday loans are horrible and if you can’t repay it in full within a month, you could fall into a financial trap that can be hard to get out of.
Stay away from online cash advance places.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Posted by getloans - October 12, 2011 at 2:54 pm

Categories: Loan Questions   Tags: , ,

Merchant Cash Advance Loans – For Better Future

It is a big question clouding everyone’s mind especially during recession. How to remain unaffected by this killing recession, and methodically strategize your business? When many businesses are getting shut or are on the verge of closing, it is important that you boost your business & let it remain unperturbed. A merchant cash advance is a monetary support for your businesses to avoid the cash crunch that can give a big blow to your dreams.

In this otherwise crucial market don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Rather work actively toward your goal and like other businesses has been able to access much needed cash capital, go for merchant cash advance option.

If setting up your own small business is your long time dream, you could turn it into a reality with our merchant cash advance option. We provide the quick & handy cash advance loans for your businesses that need attaining newer heights. Whereas securing loans from banks and other traditional finance sources are becoming ever more difficult, expensive and time consuming. Merchant cash advance is the right solution to easy access to funds to cover your cost of business expansion, taxes, debts and other daily operational expenses.

We also understand that not everyone finds immediate success. It requires patience, nitty-gritty of business and consistency. Thus, it is quite possible that your previous business experience backfired leaving you with a bad credit ranking! This could’ve resulted in earning you a bad credit reputation with other money lending institutions. But, we remain unaffected; still assures you a profitable deal by granting business cash advance loans without much hassle.

Our funding solution is very simple and hassle free. It requires no application fees, collateral charges. Interestingly, we offer easy processing without any time consuming formalities.  At FundFactor your urgent queries are handled urgently and with full dedication.

To get started for merchant cash advance process is quick and fast. You simply need to fill up the form online and our representative will contact you within few days of your application.

So stop worrying about the cash flow in your businesses, instead put all your focus into the growth and promotion strategies of your business.

Here are the main key feature that we can offer other can’t:

1. Easy Qualification Criteria
2. Easy and Fast Application Process
3. Cash Advance Funds in 72 Hours
4. No Security or Collateral Required
5. No Credit Score required
6. No Fixed Repayment Term
7. No Fixed Monthly Fees
8. No Late Payment Charges
9. Repayments Based on a Fixed Percentage of Monthly Credit Card Sales
10. Repayments Automatically Deducted from Credit Card Sales

So if  starting-up your own small business is your dream and it is the moolah that is posing a threat in your business run smoothly, then you need not to be worried. Visit FundFactor for all the monetary support you could need to run business smoothly and attain newer heights. Read more about merchant cash advance loans and merchant cash advance loans only at

Written by jamesworner

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Posted by getloans - October 3, 2011 at 9:06 am

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