Should I take try and get a bank loan to pay off my student loan?
Question by steven: Should I take try and get a bank loan to pay off my student loan?
My student loan is variable interest and sits at 12.25% right now. I owe 11,100$ on it. Would it be better for me to try and get a bank loan to pay it off so that I’m dealing with the bank instead of the Sally Mae loan?
Best answer:
Answer by bluebell
It would be good for you to find a lower rate of interest.
Find out from banks and local credit unions what their rate of interest is for a personal loan. When you have found the best rate, ask there about the possibility of a loan. If that is credit union, you will need to join up as a member and start saving there, ideally every week. After about 10 weeks you may apply for a loan, and by then you will have created a “history” with them for reliability, and getting the loan is virtually assured. You need to repay it (ideally weekly) over 5 years. A loan this size would cost approx. $ 65 weekly in my credit union over 5 years, or $ 95 weekly over 3 years.
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Bank Loans and Stock Exchange Speculation, Volume 40
Bank Loans and Stock Exchange Speculation, Volume 40
This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and does not adequately preserve the historical character of the original artifact. We believe this work is culturally important in its original archival form. While we strive to adequately clean and digitally enhance the original work, there are occasionally instances where imperfections such as blurred or missing pages, poor pictures or errant marks may have been introduced due to either the quality of the original work or the scanning process itself. Despite these occasional imperfections, we have brought it back into print as part of our ongoing global book preservation commitment, providing customers with access to the best possible historical reprints. We appreciate your understanding of these occasional imperfections, and sincerely hope you enjoy seeing the book in a format as close as possible to that intended by the original publisher.
List Price: $ 18.99
Categories: Loan Products Tags: bank, exchange, loans, speculation, Stock, Volume
How much do I need to make to get a bank loan?
Question by Ryan D: How much do I need to make to get a bank loan?
A few months ago I applied for a bank loan of $ 10,000 to pay off my credit cards. Unfortunetly I was unapproved and recieved a letter saying the reason was “Income insufficient for amount of credit requested.” So how much do I need to make to get a loan? My yearly income is $ 23,500 and my credit score is 670.
Best answer:
Answer by nique09
Your income for that much of a loan should be at least 45,000 to 60,000 yearly.
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Categories: Loan Questions Tags: bank, loan, much, Need
What would happen if you didn’t pay back a bank loan?
Question by Moatilliatta: What would happen if you didn’t pay back a bank loan?
What if you took out a bank loan or some other loan, then left the country and left no money in your own bank accounts? Could legal action be taken or would they just mark it against your credit and keep accruing the debt?
Not asking if I could get this loan, but if I indeed already had and decided to do that, what kind of legal repercussions there may be.
Best answer:
Answer by Huntsman
Will you ever need a loan in the new country? If so, they will ask for your old information and check your reports and see your history.
Do this only if you know you will never need credit again. A landlord in a new country will also check.
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Q&A: How would an auto loan work if you wanted to be financed through your bank and not the car dealer?
Question by SimplyHappy: How would an auto loan work if you wanted to be financed through your bank and not the car dealer?
Would I have to get the bank loan first then pay the dealer?
Best answer:
Answer by Jay P
You have the right to have a car financed through whatever bank you chose. It is always a good idea to find the lowest rate you can find and then go to the dealer. The dealer may be able to beat that rate but you never know. Should you go with another bank, they will either cut a check directly to the dealer or write you a check. Either way works fine.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Q&A: I am not able to pay bank loan emi as agreement and i want reduce emi amount .How can i able to my emi amount?
Question by : I am not able to pay bank loan emi as agreement and i want reduce emi amount .How can i able to my emi amount?
I had personal loan from hdfc bank.Now i was jobless and i can’t pay ageed emi monthly so i want to emi amount.I have informed the same to bank authorities.But they are accepting.I am not in a position to pay the same emi.So it is possible to reduce emi amount.Please help me.
Best answer:
Answer by 71cooldude
They should be agreeable to a reduced monthly repayment as at least they are receiving something towards paying off the debt. If you have any problems, contact the Citizens Advice Bureau who will help you in negotiating with your bank.
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The Loan Without The Bank – Germany
More and more banks are refusing loans, that is why Germans are taking lending into their own hands.
Online citizens bank Smava lets even the ordinary people to invest their heard-earned money into causes they would like to support. One good thing about it is that the individuals themselves decide, according to the founder Alexander Artopé.
Interesting enough. Watch this video and learn more.
Categories: Loan Videos Tags: bank, Germany, loan, without
Mission Expansion in the Federal Home Loan Bank System Reviews
Mission Expansion in the Federal Home Loan Bank System
Studies how the Federal Home Loan Bank System has changed over time and why.
List Price: $ 24.95
Out-of-Court Debt Restructuring (World Bank Studies)
Out-of-Court Debt Restructuring (World Bank Studies)
This study provides a conceptual framework for the analysis of the questions of out-of-court debt restructuring from a policy-oriented perspective. The starting point of the analysis is given by the World Bank Principles for Effective Insolvency and Creditor Rights Systems. The study offers an overview of out-of-court restructuring, which is not seen as fundamentally opposed to formal insolvency procedures. Actually, the study contemplates different restructuring techniques as forming a continuum to the treatment of financial difficulties. Thus, from the purely contractual or informal arrangements for debt rescheduling between the debtor and its creditors, to the fully formal reorganization or liquidation procedures, there are numerous intermediate solutions. In the study, these solutions are identified by the terms of enhanced procedures where the contractual arrangements are supported by norms or principles for workouts; and hybrid procedures where the contractual arrangements are supported by the intervention of the courts or an administrative authority. The study discusses the advantages and disadvantages of all the debt restructuring techniques, and concludes, in this regard, that a legal system may contain a number of options a menu that can cover different sets of circumstances. In the end, the law may offer a toolbox with very different instruments that the parties may use depending on the specific facts of the case. A substantial part of the study is devoted to the analysis of the enabling regulatory environment for out-of-court restructuring. It is evident that debt restructuring does not operate in a vacuum: in fact, the general legal system influences and to a certain extent determines the possibilities for debt restructuring in any given jurisdiction. The study provides a checklist that can be used to examine the features of a legal system that bear a direct influence on debt restructuring activities. The different characteristics of informal restructurings, and of enhanced and hybrid debt restructurings are covered by the study. The different approaches to debt restructuring aim at combining the advantages of an informal approach with the advantages of formal procedures: especially, the existence of a moratorium on creditor actions and the binding effects of creditor agreements concluded within the insolvency process.
List Price: $ 22.00
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Categories: Loan Products Tags: bank, Debt, OutofCourt, Restructuring, Studies, World
Bank Payday Lending
We all get a little strapped for cash from time to time. And what quicker way to get money that to get a loan?
You would normally expect interest rates of 400% from a typical payday lender. How about with your bank?
Watch this video and learn which big banks do predatory payday loans and how it affects the consumers. Spare some minutes of your time and fill yourself in with the questions you have regarding and loans and your own bank.
Categories: Loan Videos Tags: bank, Lending, Payday