Uses For Personal Loans
There are so many situations wherein a fast personal loan could help you meet financial obligations and dodge penalties and fees. When you finally have a company pinned down that will be willing to speak with you regarding your situation and offer you the chance to have a quick personal loan, then you can access the resources required to take care of various situations.
Car repairs would be one. Oil change may not be a major expense. But if the transmission on your car requires replacement or your engine block gets cracked, then a personal loan could come in handy.
Medical bills, of course, are included. People who have health insurance may not opt for personal loans. However, in emergency situations, you could learn that your insurance would not cover everything that has to be paid for. Crutches or knee braces, for example, are usually not included in your health insurance.
You may need a little help from a personal loan with your bounced checks as well as late charges. Your bills aren’t getting paid for and you are struggling with late fees and other penalties. Your credit could suffer from damages and your future purchases is at risk, in case you would need a loan
If you opt for a check that you will use for an emergency repair, in which case, you cannot cover until you get paid, and you aren’t gonna get paid for two days or three, then such check is likely to bounce. The vendor will be upset, and you’ll have bounced check fees from your bank to boot.
Fast personal loans offer convenience on so many levels. When you find yourself strapped for cash to pay for emergency situations wherein you don’t have enough resources to pay on your own, you may opt for a personal loans that will help improve your situation.
Categories: Loan Articles Tags: fees, insurance, loan, loans, Personal, personal loans, Uses
AARP Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life: Smart Choices About Money, Health, Work, Lifestyle … and Pursuing Your Dreams
AARP Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life: Smart Choices About Money, Health, Work, Lifestyle … and Pursuing Your Dreams
Solid solutions and step-by-step instructions for planning the next stage of your life
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Q&A: should I repay a life insurance loan?
Question by Nightflyer: should I repay a life insurance loan?
I borrowed $ 5000 from a whole life policy several years ago. I get a statement every 6 months saying I owe interest and am encouraged to repay the loan. Should I pay it back or just pay the interest now and then so the loan amount doesn’t become larger than the cash value, causing the policy to be terminated?
Best answer:
Answer by Ginger
Does your family need the total amount of the death benefit? If you don’t pay the loan back, the balance of the loan, plus interest, will be subtracted from the death benefit at the time of your demise, when a claim is made.
If you have plenty of coverage, less the loan and interest balance, then just pay the interest.
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