What happens When You Apply For A Loan
It was not until recently that people started to enjoy the convenience of borrowing cash sitting in the comfort of their homes. This validates the fact that the world today is more financially inclined than in the last couple of decades. An online consumer research and feedback survey states that people don’t like to carry on with financial blockades and often tend to apply for online loans immediately.
Categories: Loan Videos Tags: couple, last, loan application, loan process, online loans, processing loan, states
Money Management : Credit Card Balance Transfers With Poor Credit
When you have poor credit and you do transfer your balance to the last known credit card that you had with good credit, such process is called consolidation.
What’s it all about? Watch this video and be enlightened.
Categories: Loan Videos Tags: balance, Card., Credit, last, Management, money, poor, poor credit, transfer, transfers
The Money Changers: Currency Reform from Aristotle to E-Cash
The Money Changers: Currency Reform from Aristotle to E-Cash
Since money was invented, there has been a debate about better ways of creating it and better rules to govern how it works – until the last generation, when it began to seem that the money system had been handed down by God and remained unchanged ever since. But the last few years have seen an increasingly powerful resurgence of interest in changing the system fundamentally, and bringing the monetary trends that affect all our lives under our control. Few realize that the debate has roots and a tradition, covering mainstream economists like Keynes and Hayek, statesmen like Lincoln, entrepreneurs like Ford and Soros, as well as the imaginative mavericks behind local currencies and e-money. This volume collects together some of their most influential writings to provide a handbook on a vital train of ideas, and a guide to a debate on changing money that is becoming increasingly important.
List Price: $ 49.95