Time To Give Back : Repaying Student Loans
Education is the greatest wealth that cannot be taken away from you. Try to think of it. You spent almost half of your life in school. Your parents push you to do well. This only goes to show that education is nothing but important not only to your welfare but also to the overall good of the people around you. Sadly, in most parts in the world, education is not free. It’s the ugly truth. However, because of the fact that this is a basic need for everyone, more and more ways to deal with it have sprouted here and there. And I am talking about lending agencies who can help the student get through the life at school by means of providing them student loans.
A student loan is provided for the student in order to support their education. And as a student, there is still no way to pay for it directly. A full amount of payment must be made to each direct loan you receive. In addition to that is the interest. Following that, there is a given repayment period allowed for you.
The Unsubsidized Loan that you get start on the day after the end of your grace period. The lender in which you are under will inform you regarding the due date of your first ever payment. The period of repayment for each Direct Plus Loan begins on the date when the final loan disbursement was made. There is no actual grace period for this. However, you can put off making payments while you are still in school at least for half the time and even get an extra six months after you stop being in school. Keep in mind that payments should still be made even if you do not receive any notifications. The information about the bill is only sent to you as a reminder. It is still your responsibility to make payments even without them.
For better convenience, there is actually a variety of repayment plans you can opt to use whichever is suited for your situation. They may vary in one way or another but their main goal is to give back to the loan that helped them somehow take a step towards creating their future.
Categories: Loan Articles Tags: Direct Loans, Loan Repayment, Student Loans
How To Settle Student Loans?
Having an account in loan agencies come in as a necessity these days. Back then, it would only be accessible to some. But as time passed by, more and more felt the need towards getting a loan for themselves. And that does not only include the mothers or fathers to provide for their families or bachelors to survive on their own. What these loans also allow to happen are for students to support their education.
First is the Standard Repayment Plan. Under this plan, there is a fixed monthly rate that is payable within 10 years beginning from the date the loan was approved. The payment should be just the right amount of if possible even more just so the deadline can be met without a hassle. Second is the Graduated Repayment Plan. To start with, you will only pay minimal amount. Eventually, this will increase mostly every two years until it reaches the maximum payment period of ten years. The rule here is that no single payment will be more than three times greater than any other payment. Third is the Extended Repayment Plan. You have a choice between making a fixed monthly payment amount and a graduated payment amount. From the word itself, this type of loan is payable in a span of 25 years. Fourth is the Income Contingent Repayment Plan. Once the used to be student has graduated and has started working, the payment for this plan will be based on your annual income, the family size and the amount of direct loans. Fifth is the Income – based Repayment Plan. A requirement for this plan is to have an existing partial financial hardship. The payment required from you will be based on what you can afford depending on your monthly earnings and the size of your family. This is regulated and approved by the federal regulations.
The loan is given out by the time the person is still a student. Understandably, they have no other means to pay for the loan. Which is why there is a wide array of repayment methods that a student can opt to utilize in order to give back to the loan. The loan that helped him or her get through school.
Categories: Loan Articles Tags: Loan Repayment, Student Loans