Posts tagged "payday loan online"

Sensible Approach To Payday Loan

Payday loans have become very popular in the few years or so. When you need cash in a hurry, a payday loan can get you the cash you need to hold you over until you get paid from work. Payday loans are very easy to arrange. However, it is very important that you pay them back immediately on your next pay day. Otherwise things can get very expensive.

When you take out a payday loan there is a fee involved. Usually it is around £15 for every £100 you borrow.If a payday loan provider lend you £500, you would be expected to pay back £575 at the end of 14 days. If you are unable to pay the money back at the end of 14 days, they usually allowed you to extend the loan.  If you can’t pay it back you can request an extension which will cost you another fee. This can quickly add up when it comes to payday loan

As discussed above, you have to pay back £575 for the £500 loan you took out. Here is example of what happens when you don’t pay on time and have to roll it over for another 14 days things can get very expensive. To extend for another 14 days you must pay the £75 fee. But your payment for the next 14 days will still be £575 because you still have to pay the £15 for every hundred you borrowed.

So now you have £150 in fees that you must pay. Imagine if you let the loan roll over 3 or 4 times you could end up paying close to £1000 back for a loan that should have originally only cost you £575.This is one good reason why you have to be very careful when you take out payday loans. They should only be used if you know you are going to be in a position to pay them back short term.

Please be careful with payday loan otherwise you could end up in a worse situation than what you are already in. So make sure you are 100% sure you can pay back the entire loan on month end. You should also not make taking out this type of loan a habit. The interest rate and penalties can hurt on the long run.

However, if you do find it necessary to take out a payday loan, make sure you do your research. Fees will be high but if you shop around a little you might be able to find a little lower rate. Also make sure you watch out for scams. There are a lot of payday loan companies online. Try searching for payday loan in manchester or payday loan in London or payday loan in glasgow depending on your location to find your nearest one.

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Posted by The Loan Guy - August 31, 2011 at 8:30 am

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