Posts tagged "Plus"

A Credit Book For People With Bad Credit: Get Credit Help For Bad Credit Repair Plus Tips on How To Get Loans With Bad Credit So You Can Rebuild … To Become A Financial Success in Good Time!

A Credit Book For People With Bad Credit: Get Credit Help For Bad Credit Repair Plus Tips on How To Get Loans With Bad Credit So You Can Rebuild … To Become A Financial Success in Good Time!

A bad credit is that wound which hurts you for a long time. It is very difficult to get over from a bad credit history. A bad credit score can greatly affect your chances of getting a suitable loan. You might have trouble getting a loan or a mortgage, or even a debit card. Many money lenders and banks solely depend upon your credit score rating just to judge your credit worthiness to pay off any loan you make. A borrower is labeled as having bad credit when there are cases or instances of payment default against him, repossession or a bankruptcy case. A bad credit score shows in your credit report. A bad credit score on the FICO scale is 580 or below in a scale ranging from 300 to 850. Credit scores of 720 and above are considered as safe and sound for offering loan. If you have bad credit, then you need to take the steps to fix it right away so you can be eligible for making any type of loan to improve your life. Fixing your bad credit will take time, a lot of determination and discipline and a feasible plan that you can do realistically.

This book will discuss information on the following:
• How bad credit affects your economic life
• How you can make loans even with bad credit
• How you can rebuild your credit standing and get a good credit score once again

The strategies and tips outlined here will assist people with bad credit to regain credit worthiness so that they can be on their way to financial recovery and, before long, become a financial success.

List Price: $ 15.95


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Posted by getloans - November 21, 2011 at 10:33 am

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