Posts tagged "today"

The Wall Street Journal. Complete Personal Finance Guidebook (The Wall Street Journal Guidebooks)

The Wall Street Journal. Complete Personal Finance Guidebook (The Wall Street Journal Guidebooks)

The Wall Street Journal. Complete Personal Finance Guidebook (The Wall Street Journal Guidebooks)

From America’s most authoritative source: the quintessential primer on understanding and managing your money

Money courses through just about every corner of our lives and has an impact on the way we live today and how we’ll be able to live in the future. Understanding your money, and getting it to work for you, has never been more important than it is today, as more and more of us are called upon to manage every aspect of our financial lives, from managing day-to-day living expenses to planning a college savings fund and, ultimately, retirement. From The Wall Street Journal, the most trusted name in financial and money matters, this indispensable book takes the mystery out of personal finance. Start with the basics, learn how they work, and you’ll become a better steward of your own money, today and in the future. Consider The Wall Street Journal Complete Personal Finance Guidebook your cheat sheet to the finances of your life. This book will help you:

• Understand the nuts and bolts of managing your money: banking, investing, borrowing, insurance, credit cards, taxes, and more

• Establish realistic budgets and savings plans

• Develop an investment strategy that makes sense for you

• Make the right financial decisions about real estate

• Plan for retirement intelligently

Also available—the companion to this guidebook: The Wall Street Journal Personal Finance Workbook, by Jeff D. Opdyke

Get your financial life in order with help from The Wall Street Journal. Look for:

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Money and Investing Guidebook

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Identity Theft Guidebook

• The Wall Street Journal Complete Real Estate Investing Guidebook

List Price: $ 14.95


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Posted by getloans - July 23, 2013 at 8:38 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Business Law Today, Standard Edition

Business Law Today, Standard Edition

Business Law Today, Standard Edition

Interesting, clear, and applied, BUSINESS LAW TODAY: STANDARD EDITION is the ideal guide to the law and what it means in the business world–from contracts and secured transactions to warranties and government regulations. Easy to understand with an engaging writing style that is matched by vibrant visuals, BUSINESS LAW TODAY includes coverage of contemporary topics that impact not only the business world, but your life–from the economic crisis and its impact on business law to identity theft and immigration law.

List Price: $ 374.95


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Posted by getloans - June 11, 2013 at 8:46 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Corporate Finance (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition) (Available Titles Cengagenow)

Corporate Finance (with Thomson ONE – Business School Edition) (Available Titles Cengagenow)

Corporate Finance (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition) (Available Titles Cengagenow)


Focus on the financial concepts, skills, and technological applications that are most critical for MBA students in today’s workplace with Ehrhardt/Brigham’s CORPORATE FINANCE: A FOCUSED APPROACH, 4E. This lean text provides an in-depth treatment of all topics essential to corporate finance within a streamlined presentation that you can complete in a single semester. Your students review the latest financial developments — from the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market to the financial and global economic crisis — as this edition shows them how to maximize a firm’s value in today’s changed world. Numerous recent examples illustrate the relevance of what students are learning, while Excel Tool Kits, “Build a Model” problems, and Mini-Case Spreadsheets help students master the many functions of Excel. Students even gain hands-on experience with the same tool Wall Street professionals use daily with new Thomson ONE-Business School Edition problems. Trust this book’s concise, focused presentation to clearly demonstrate how and why corporations make specific financial decisions.

List Price: $ 321.95


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Posted by getloans - May 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Factoring: Sell Your Invoices Today, Get Cash Tomorrow: How to Get Unlimited Funds without a Loan

Factoring: Sell Your Invoices Today, Get Cash Tomorrow: How to Get Unlimited Funds without a Loan

Factoring: Sell Your Invoices Today, Get Cash Tomorrow: How to Get Unlimited Funds without a Loan

Can Factoring Help My Business?

Factoring is unknown to many business owners, misunderstood by some, and often available to those who cannot obtain a small business loan from a bank, the SBA, or anywhere else.

Factoring is an alternative means of business financing rapidly increasing in popularity, though it has been in existence for centuries. It is not a loan which create a debt on your balance sheet you must repay. Nor is it venture capital, which requires you to give up ownership in your company. Rather, factoring is the sale of an asset: your accounts receivable. That is, without having to pay back a bank or lose control of your company, you sell your invoices to a factor to obtain immediate cash.

The process is repeated as often as you wish ? without the need to re-apply each time ? thereby providing steady cash flow that is limited only by your sales. Your factor is paid back by your customers; so as long as you factor steady (but slower), dependable-paying customers, you have no debt to repay and very predictable cash flow. While factoring?s cost is higher than traditional bank loans, its flexibility offers several advantages that can both stabilize and steadily grow your business.

Factoring: Sell Your Invoices Today, Get Cash Tomorrow explains everything you want to know about factoring your receivables, including:

? Types of businesses that qualify and the requirements to be approved.
? Why many companies turned down by banks are accepted by factors.
? What to expect in the application process and its speed compared to bank loans.
? Common factoring procedures and why they are utilized.
? How to inform your customers you are factoring in a way that strengthens your business.
? A flowchart of the pre-funding steps, plus another of a normal factoring transaction from start to finish.

Who Is Jeff Callender?

Jeff Callender entered the factoring world in 1994 as a broker, then soon began buying receivables of very small companies. For two decades he has helped numerous small business owners and funded hundreds of small companies. He has written multiple books, ebooks, and articles, and spoken often at industry events. Many factoring companies list his materials as required reading for new staff.

In addition to this title, Jeff has written three ebooks for small business owners who want to learn more about factoring their receivables:

? Top 10 Quotes on the Benefits of Factoring.
? Top 10 Misconceptions about Factoring.
? Top 10 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Factor.

All three are available from the Kindle Store.

From the Author?

I have enjoyed working with small companies for many years now. I?ve seen innumerable business owners, prior to factoring, struggle to stabilize their cash flow, meet payroll, and grow their business. Far too many find these normal business requirements painfully difficult because they simply have to wait to get paid by their customers. While employees? paychecks and regular bills must be paid on time, they have to wait weeks or months for their customers? payments to finally arrive. Talk about stressful!

Factoring solves this problem. I have seen one business owner after another get on their feet and enjoy steady growth because they factor their invoices. When used properly, this is a remarkable tool that not only works, but works extremely well.

I have written this book so that:

1. The thousands ? millions! ? of small business owners needing steady cash flow can learn about this financial tool.
2. They can determine if factoring will benefit their companies; it can help a great many, but not every last one.
3. They have guidance finding the best factor to meet their unique needs.

This book does all three.

-Jeff Callender

List Price: $ 14.95


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Posted by getloans - May 15, 2013 at 8:57 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Live Debt-Free: How to Quickly Pay Off Your Credit Cards, Personal Loans, and Mortgages-And Build Real Wealth Today! Reviews

Live Debt-Free: How to Quickly Pay Off Your Credit Cards, Personal Loans, and Mortgages-And Build Real Wealth Today!

Live Debt-Free: How to Quickly Pay Off Your Credit Cards, Personal Loans, and Mortgages-And Build Real Wealth Today!

This completely revised and updated edition also includes an appendix of living expenses in twenty selected U.S. cities. Consumers can take financial control away from their creditors and put it back into their own hands–and start living debt-free today!

List Price: $ 8.95


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Posted by getloans - January 31, 2012 at 8:37 am

Categories: Loan Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,