Will the bank give you a small loan/check if a place doesn’t accept credit cards?
Question by Kid ‘Ney: Will the bank give you a small loan/check if a place doesn’t accept credit cards?
I want to pay for my apartment but the place I’m applying at won’t accept my credit card. Can I go to the bank for a small loan/check in order to make my payment? Also will the bank accept my credit card for payment?
Best answer:
Answer by funwithdouger
Get an advance on your credit card. you can do this at the bank or a bank machine. Then put that money in your bank account and write the check.
The bank would have a fee for writing up the loan and it’s a big haste. It’s much easier to raise the limit on your credit card.
Now write several credit card companies and ask for a lower interest rate. To get your business from another bank they will offer you a lower interest rate and do a balance transfer from the other credit card. They may even throw in a rate increase. Be carefull and don’t fall into to much credit card dept.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
so you don’t have the money in your checking account and you want the bank to pay for it? you’d better write a check. if you have an account, you have checks.
I don’t know what country you are from but that question doesn’t make sense. Learn how to communicate.